How to Watch Instagram Stories Anonymously: A Complete Guide - startuptalky
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How to Watch Instagram Stories Anonymously: A Complete Guide

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Instagram Stories have become a favorite feature for many users, allowing people to share moments that disappear after 24 hours. But what if you’re curious about someone’s story but don’t want them to know you’ve viewed it? Watching Instagram stories anonymously might sound sneaky, but there are legitimate reasons why someone might want to do this. Whether it’s to keep your viewing habits private or to check up on a public profile without drawing attention, there are ways to do it.

This guide will walk you through several methods that let you watch Instagram stories anonymously, all while keeping things simple and straightforward.

Why Watch Instagram Stories Anonymously?

Before diving into the how-to, let’s explore why someone might want to watch Instagram stories anonymously:

  • Privacy Concerns: You might be following someone casually, and you don’t want them to know every time you view their story.
  • Curiosity: Perhaps you’re interested in someone’s public profile but don’t want to interact or let them know you’re watching.
  • Research: If you’re monitoring a brand or influencer for competitive analysis, anonymity can help keep your research under the radar.

Whatever your reason, it’s essential to approach this topic with respect and good intentions.

Method 1: Use Airplane Mode

One of the simplest ways to watch Instagram stories anonymously is by using your phone’s Airplane Mode. Here’s how:

  1. Open Instagram and Load Stories: Open the Instagram app and allow the stories to load completely. Don’t click on them yet!
  2. Turn on Airplane Mode: Once the stories are loaded, switch your phone to Airplane Mode. This will cut off all internet connections (Wi-Fi and mobile data).
  3. Watch the Story: Now, you can go ahead and view the stories. Since you’re offline, Instagram won’t register that you’ve viewed them.
  4. Close the App Before Turning Off Airplane Mode: After watching the stories, close the Instagram app entirely before turning Airplane Mode off. This prevents Instagram from logging your views.

Method 2: Use a Third-Party App or Website

There are several third-party apps and websites designed to help you watch Instagram stories anonymously. These tools allow you to view stories without logging in or using your own account. However, be cautious when using third-party apps as they can compromise your data or privacy. Here are a few popular options:

  • InstaStories: A website where you can watch public Instagram stories without logging in.
  • StorySaver: An app that allows you to download and view stories without being seen.

Note: Always be wary of providing personal information or login details to third-party apps. Stick to reputable services and avoid anything that seems suspicious.

Method 3: Create a Secondary Account

Creating a secondary Instagram account is a straightforward way to watch stories anonymously. You can follow the person you’re interested in with this account and view their stories without them knowing it’s you. Here’s how:

  1. Create a New Account: Sign up for a new Instagram account using a different email address.
  2. Follow Public Profiles: Use this account to follow the public profiles you want to watch. For private accounts, you’ll need to request to follow them.
  3. Watch Stories Anonymously: Now, you can view stories using this account without revealing your identity.

This method is handy if you’re not comfortable with the potential risks of third-party apps or don’t want to mess with Airplane Mode.

Method 4: View Stories from a Friend’s Account

Another way to watch Instagram stories anonymously is to ask a friend to check the stories for you. This might be the most straightforward approach, especially if the stories are on a mutual friend’s account or a public profile. Just make sure your friend is okay with doing this favor!


Watching Instagram stories anonymously isn’t complicated, and there are multiple ways to do it depending on your needs and comfort level. Whether you opt for Airplane Mode, a secondary account, or a third-party app, remember to use these methods responsibly. Respecting others’ privacy is as important as protecting your own.


Can I watch Instagram stories without the person knowing?
Yes, by using methods like Airplane Mode, third-party apps, or a secondary account, you can watch stories without the person knowing.

Is it legal to watch Instagram stories anonymously?
Yes, it is legal to watch Instagram stories anonymously as long as you’re not violating Instagram’s terms of service or using unethical methods.

Are third-party apps safe for watching stories anonymously?
While some third-party apps are safe, others can be risky. Always do your research before using any third-party service, and avoid apps that ask for your Instagram login details.

Can I watch stories anonymously on a private account?
If the account is private, you must follow them to view their stories. You can still use methods like a secondary account to watch anonymously once you’re following them.

Will Instagram notify users if I watch their story anonymously?
No, Instagram does not notify users if someone watches their story using methods like Airplane Mode or a third-party app.

Can I download Instagram stories anonymously?
Yes, some apps and websites allow you to download stories anonymously. However, always be cautious and prioritize your data security.

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